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Denitrification is a water treatment process that removes nitrate and nitrite from water. Nitrate and nitrite can cause water to have a blue-green color, a bitter taste, and a health risk for infants and pregnant women. Denitrification can also prevent the release of greenhouse gases and the eutrophication of water bodies. Denitrification involves reducing the nitrate and nitrite to nitrogen gas by using bacteria that can respire anaerobically. The bacteria use organic matter or hydrogen as electron donors and nitrate or nitrite as electron acceptors. The nitrogen gas then escapes to the atmosphere. Denitrification is important for improving the quality and safety of water, as well as protecting the water distribution system from corrosion and fouling. Denitrification can also reduce the need for other water treatment processes, such as chlorination and softening.

Our team is available to assist you with any water treatment issues you may be facing. Please contact us for further assistance.